Friday, October 23, 2009

PS4K - Illustrations on their way...

I'm adding illustrations to each poem so look out for the new and improved PS4K!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Funny Halloween Poem - "Halloween Date From Hell."

Click on the link to read the new Halloween poem at

Halloween Date From Hell. Never trust a witch - even if you're a zombie!

Vote in the poll and send me some hilarious feedback on why, if you were an evil witch, you'd date a zombie, ghoul, werewolf, vampire, pumpkin-monster, goblin or even a mummy.

Even better - write me a poem with a twist about a Halloween date from hell and I can add it to the SHARE page on the PS4K website.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Halloween Poem Next Week...

Look out for the new Halloween poem coming next week - "Halloween Date From Hell."

Friday, October 2, 2009

Short Stories Coming Soon...

Short stories for each section - Laugh, Think, Explore & Believe - are on their way!